Porsche Color Palette | HEX, RGB & HSL

Porsche mainly uses the colors red, gold, and black for their main company logo, social media pages, and also website elements such as buttons, icons, and banners.

The hexadecimal code for Porsche’s red is #B12B28, for gold is #E3AB37, and for black is #000000.

When it comes to the respective RGB value of those colors, red has 177 red, 43 green, and 40 blue, while gold has 227 red, 171 green, and 55 blue.

In HSL, red would have a hue of 1, 63% saturation, and 43% lightness, and gold would have a hue of 40, 75% saturation, and 55% lightness.

Please continue reading below for any other of their brand color schemes, including social media profiles such as Instagram and their official website.

Porsche Logo
Hex: #000000
RGB: (0 0 0)
HSL: (0 0% 0%)
Hex: #B12B28
RGB: (177 43 40)
HSL: (1 63% 43%)
Hex: #E3AB37
RGB: (227 171 55)
HSL: (40 75% 55%)
Hex: #E2B457
RGB: (226 180 87)
HSL: (40 71% 61%)
Hex: #E1BE77
RGB: (225 190 119)
HSL: (40 64% 67%)
Hex: #F7EAB9
RGB: (247 234 185)
HSL: (47 79% 85%)
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
HSL: (0, 0%, 100%)
Porsche Official Website


Hex: #000000
RGB: (0 0 0)
HSL: (0 0% 0%)
Hex: #191F22
RGB: (25 31 34)
HSL: (200 15% 12%)
Hex: #313639
RGB: (49 54 57)
HSL: (203 8% 21%)
Hex: #D5001C
RGB: (213 0 28)
HSL: (352 100% 42%)
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
HSL: (0, 0%, 100%)

Instagram Page

Hex: #000000
RGB: (0 0 0)
HSL: (0 0% 0%)
Hex: #B12B28
RGB: (177 43 40)
HSL: (1 63% 43%)
Hex: #E3AB37
RGB: (227 171 55)
HSL: (40 75% 55%)
Hex: #E2B457
RGB: (226 180 87)
HSL: (40 71% 61%)
Hex: #E1BE77
RGB: (225 190 119)
HSL: (40 64% 67%)
Hex: #F7EAB9
RGB: (247 234 185)
HSL: (47 79% 85%)
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
HSL: (0, 0%, 100%)


We encourage you to watch these YouTube videos as a very good way of getting to know more about colors and how they work in various situations.

You will learn why it is so important to know and learn a lot about color psychology and how you can make the most out of it.

Video #1

This next video was uploaded to YouTube by ColorCode. 

He talks about using HEX, RGB, and RGBA.

Video #2

This other video is from Webflow.

They give us a review on how hues are utilized on the web and some extraordinary tips on the best way to truly comprehend the differences behind each shading.

Lastly, maybe also read this article by Hacker Noon titled: Hex colors, how do they work? 

You will get to know how hex numbers are determined and what each character means.


We do not own any logo or image used to describe the color palettes of any brand. All rights goes to the respective owner.

Fair Use allows people to use someone else’s copyrighted work without permission in certain circumstances. Common examples include: criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research.

Before you go

Make sure to check out other color palettes that we currently have on our website by using the search bar on our homepage or site header. 

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