Facebook uses mainly blue and white for almost all of their brand assets, the “f” logo is one of their most globally recognized ones.
They have made small changes to their colors throughout the years, but it has stayed closely similar all the time.
The hexadecimal color code for their latest logo color change for blue is #1877F2.
When it comes to the RGB for that same color, we see 24 red, 119 green, and 242 blue or (24, 119, 242).
In HSL, that is the equivalent of a hue of 214, 89% saturation, and 52% lightness or (214, 89%, 52%).
For their other brand color schemes, please continue reading below.

We encourage you to watch these YouTube videos as a great way to learn more about colors and how they work in different settings.
You will learn why it is very important to know how to use them and how you can make the most out of it.
Video #1
This next video is by ColorCode.
He talks about using HEX, RGB, and RGBA.
Video #2
This other video is from Webflow.
They go ahead and give us and overview of how colors are used on the web, and some great tips on how to really understand the values behind every color.
Lastly, you should also read this article by Hacker Noon titled: Hex colors, how do they work?
You will be able to learn how hex numbers are calculated and what each character mean and represent.
We do not own any logo or image used to describe the color palettes of any brand. All rights goes to the respective owner.
“The doctrine of Fair Use allows people to use someone else’s copyrighted work without permission in certain circumstances. Common examples include: criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research.”
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Make sure to check out any other color palette that we have in our website by using the search bar in our homepage or site header.
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