Morocco Flag Colors | HEX, RGB & HSL

The national flag of Morocco has 2 colors: red and green.

These colors have hexadecimal values of #C1272D and #006233, respectively.

When it comes to RGB, red has 193 red, 39 green, and 45 blue, and green has 0 red, 98 green, and 51 blue.

In HSL, red would have a hue of 358, 66% saturation, and 45% lightness, and green would have a hue of 151, 100% saturation, and 19% lightness.

Please continue reading below for more information on these colors and tips on how to effectively use them.

Flag of Morocco
Hex: #C1272D
RGB: (193 39 45)
HSL: (358 66% 45%)
Hex: #006233
RGB: (0 98 51)
HSL: (151 100% 19%)


Since those who usually search for color palettes online tend to be working on some sort of project, we decided to share with you all some cool resources to understand color codes and how they work.

You will also get to know why it is so important to learn a lot about color psychology and how it influences the way that people feel in certain situations.

Video #1

This next video was uploaded to YouTube by PolyMatter. 

On this video, he talks about HEX codes in particular, what they mean, and how computer understand these random combinations of letters and numbers.

Video #2

This other YouTube video is from Webflow.

They give us a review on how different colors are used across the web and some extraordinary tips on how to truly comprehend the differences behind each shading.

This article by Hacker Noon titled: Hex colors, how do they work? is a great alternative to the first video that we shared as it also explains how hex numbers are determined and what many of its uses are. 

Lastly, maybe also read this article by MakeTechEasier titled: Color Codes: What’s the Difference Between Hex, RGB, and HSL?

Since Hex, RGB, and HSL are the three main color systems that we share on our website, this is an amazing way of understanding their differences.

Before you go

Make sure to check out other color palettes that we currently have on our website by using the search bar on our homepage or site header.

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